“Elahe Rahroniya”
Born in 1977, Rey,Tehran, Iran
Writer,Poet,Theater and dance Performer,Conceptual artist
Academic education
English translation BA, Azad University of Tehran, 2000
lnterior design emblem, Tehran University “The Faculty of Fine Art”, 2005
Norwegian language,advanced,”Johannes læring senter”2015
Painting ,with “Walter Assyrians” and “Ali Petgar”
Theatre acting, “Anahita” Theater School
Photography, with “Hossein Salamat”
Published books
‘Leilaobali ‘poetry, Tehran, Paya publishers, 2001 (common book with “Alireza Adineh”)
‘The king of yellow rose’ or ‘The king snake’ novel,Teheran, Markaz publishers, 2007
‘The sale advertising of Turkmen horse’ poetry, Tehran, Sabz publisher 2010
‘The non-union versified lovehood’ an art book with seven poem- stories and eight paintings by “Habib Moradi”, London, Mehri publisher 2019
Unpublished books (forbidden)
‘Conquest of paradise’ a novel
‘Mr. Spiderson’s quarrel’ a poetic-novel
‘Godzilla in the margin of history’ an art book illustrated by writer as a book-length poem(translated to English and Norwegian)
‘A shark who became a human’ novel( translated to Norwegian)
‘The love story of Judas’ novel
‘ The wedding of me and the world’ a book-length poem
’ My romantic letters to the world’ a book-length poem
’ My romantic letters to you’ short notes
’ Mock the war’ a book-length poem
‘Azarname jan’ classic Persian poetr
‘Setarestan & Sazabad’ lyrics
‘Thousands blind eyes of butterfly’ modern poetry
‘The sound of laughter’poem- stories
‘The versified awakening’ poem- stories
‘The versified naughty dreams’ poem- stories
‘The uncle-dad’ short stories
‘ The wonderland trawler in Dracula’s castle’ short stories
‘ The alive_deads league’ short stories
‘ The adventures of Elahe Polo” a travelogue based short stories
‘Elahe Namehs’ letters to myself ( sosial notes)
‘The notes of anomalous butterfly’ daly notes
‘The political letters of a a non politician ’ political essays
‘Breathing & writing’ literary critiques
‘Tao Te Ching’ by Lao Detezo, translation from English to pure Persian
Second winner of the 2021 Catalan poets in exile award in Spain
Artistic activities
Establishment and management of “Harug” company as a designer and executive of interior architecture and decoration 2005-2008
Cooperation with the Rogoland Theater as a coach for teenagers, Stavanger, Norway 2013
Collaborating with Nordic Black Theater music and theater center as assistant director and writer, Oslo, Norway 2016
Collaboration with Theater School under Nordic Black Theater as an assistant professor, Oslo Norway 2016
Art works
Handmade glass exhibition, Tehran, 2005
Handmade furniture exhibition, Tehran, 2006
‘The war widow’ photo installation Tehran 2006
‘ 13’ documentary film Tehran 2007
‘Mock the war’ musical theater/video art( unfinished) Kuala Lumpur 2012
‘ Synthesis in trash can‘ poetics documentary film Thehran/Oslo 2013/2018
‘Godzilla in the margin of history’ Poem-theater /video art, Stavanger Norway 2014
‘The Birth’ Poem -Theater, Stavanger Norway 2014
‘ The wedding of me and the world’ poem-theater,Oslo 2017
‘Gogzilla in the margin of history’ performance, Orsta, Norway 2018
‘The little black dress’ choreography & dancing,
Italia, Norway 2019
‘ Iran lives forever’ poetry & music video,music by ‘Keivan Saket’ Oslo 2020
‘Army eagle! Arise!’ Poetry & music video,Oslo 2021
‘ ‘The destiny of a wasp who lost his Gillette’ musical podcast, composer ‘Keivan Saket’ 2021Oslo
‘Persian Danes’ song, composer ‘Keivan Saket’ singer’Mahdie Mohammadkhani’ 2021
‘The end of the night’ song , composer ‘Mohammad Javad Zarrabian’ singer ‘ Gazaleh Feilinezhad’ 2022
‘The queen of the sun’ song, composer ‘Sadegh Nojouki’ 2023
‘ Play Taar’ song , composer ‘ Sadegh Nojouki’ 2023
Literary essays and critiques
‘The manifest of Liquid poetry’ introduction of the poetry book ‘The sale advertising of Turkmen horse’ (In addition to theoretical debate) 2010
‘Stream of text’ theoretical introduction of the novel’ Conquest of paradise’
‘The lnfectionation’ analysis of ‘The Metamorphosis’ a novel by Franz Kafka ,Germany
‘The hands of pen higher than the hands of image’ analysis of ‘Mrs. Dalloway’ a novel by Virginia Woolf, England
‘The dim museum’ analysis of ‘The Waves’ a novel by Virginia Woolf, England
‘The brine in Sicily, the distilled water in Vatican’ analysis of ‘The edge of the cliff’ a novel by Grazia Deledda, ltaly
‘The mayor dripped, drop by drop, waiting for Barbarians’ analysis of ‘ Waiting for the Barbarians’ a novel by J. M. Coetzee , South Africa
‘Smile burns kebab’ analysis of ‘Dreaming of Babylon’ a novel by Richard Brautigan, America
‘This black frame glass!’ analysis of ‘ The Blind owl’ a novel by Sadegh Hedayat, Iran
‘lt’s me always in trouble’ analysis of ‘ Detective story’ a novel by lmre Kertesz ,Hungary
‘The criminal’ analysis of ‘The Fifth child ‘ a novel by Doris Lessing , England
‘For occasion of home-blind, death-blind and fair-blind’ analysis of ‘ The Blindness’ a novel by Jose Saramago ,Portugal
‘From Rosy to Samsara’ analysis of ‘ The Guide’ a novel by R. K. Narayan ,India
‘The patient in Coma is chained’ analysis of Ann Sexton’s poem selection , England
’ Critical essay about Habib Moradi’s Painting
And …
‘Kapittel International art festival’ Stavanger Norway(Reading poem) 2013
‘Kapittel international art festival’ Stavanger Norway (performing poem-theater ‘Godzilla in the margin of history’ )2014
‘Lillehammer literature festival’ Lillehammer Norway (Reading poem, cooperation with Tove Bakke as the translator)2016
‘Heidalen art festival’ (Reading poem, cooperation with Tove Bakke as the translator)2016
‘Dei nynorske festspela’ ( performing ‘Godzilla in the margin of history’ performance)2017
‘Oslo literature festival’ (Reading poem) 2018
‘Lillehammer literature festival’ ( Reading poem)2018
‘Beethoven music festival’ with ‘Den Norske Theater ‘(choreography , Dansing-Reading poem) 2019
‘It’s liquid art festival’ Venice,Italy (Attending Synthesis in trash can‘ video art)2020
Other activities
‘The birth’ poem-Theater, Stavanger culture house ‘Sølvberget’ 2013
‘The birth’ poem-Theater, International Friby seminar. Copenhagen 2013
Poem reading, Pen international organization seminar,Rotterdam 2019
Story reading, Khayyam Center, Paris 2020